Facebook St Agnes Vs Brandy 700ml - Plonk


St Agnes Vs Brandy 700ml


In Stock (16)

This is a richly coloured, medium bodied brandy. The nose shows a range of spirit fractions from the higher aromatic to the lower heart fractions. The palate is spirity with good depth and complexity. Maturation in traditional oak barrels has imparted soft, slightly sweet oak after-flavours that complement the full flavoured palate. Most notably, this brandy is delicately clean and dry, whilst retaining a complexity that ensures it can be enjoyed neat or over ice.

Category: Brand:St Agnes
Additional Information
Weight 1.2 kg
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 28 cm
Ticket Info
Alcohol By Volume37%
Weight1.2 kg
Length8 cm
Width8 cm
Height28 cm