Facebook Arras Grand Vintage 750ML - Plonk


Arras Grand Vintage 750ML


In Stock (4)

Fastidious viticulture and winemaking are applied in crafting this traditional method wine. Maturation for a minimum of 7 years in tirage ensures depth and complexity consistent with the world's finest cuvees. A seamless and elegantly structured palate presence exhibiting characters of toasted sourdough, field mushroom, lemon curd and roasted almond. The wine shows great tension and poise with the low dosage in perfect balance with fine tannins and natural acidity.

Category: Tag: Brand:House of Arras
Additional Information
Weight 1.2 kg
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 29 cm
Ticket Info
VarietalChardonnay, Pinot Noir
StyleSparkling White
Alcohol By Volume12.5%
Weight1.2 kg
Length8 cm
Width8 cm
Height29 cm